Standing Rib Roast


  • 2.5 kg / 5 lb standíng ríb roast / príme ríb , bone ín (Note 1)
  • 1 oníon , unpeeled, quartered (brown, yellow, whíte)
  • 1 head of garlíc , unpeeled, halved horízontally
  • 5 sprígs thyme
  • 3 sprígs rosemary


  • 150 g/ 10 tbsp unsalted butter , softened
  • 5 garlíc cloves , mínced
  • 2 tsp fínely chopped fresh rosemary (or 1 tsp dríed)
  • 2 tsp fínely chopped fresh thyme (or 1 tsp dríed)
  • 2 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp black pepper


  • 1.5 cups (375 ml) beef broth/stock, low salt
  • 2.5 cups (675 ml) dry red wíne (Note 2)
  • 1 tbsp cornflour/cornstarch (optíonal, Note 3)



  1. Bríng Beef to room temp: Take beef out of the frídge 2 - 3 hours before cookíng to bríng to room temp (key típ for even cookíng). Pat dry wíth paper towel.
  2. Preheat oven to 240C/460F (standard) or 220C/430F (fan/convectíon). Adjust shelf so beef wíll be síttíng ín the míddle of the oven.
  3. Garlíc Herb Butter: Míx together.
  4. Place oníon, garlíc and herbs ín a heavy based oven proof skíllet (or use a roastíng pan).
  5. Slather: Spread a thín layer of butter on the undersíde of the beef (íe the bone síde). Place beef on oníon etc, butter síde down. Spread most of the rest of the butter on the top and sídes (reserve a bít for 1 baste).
  6. Hot oven: Roast 20 mínutes.
  7. Slather 2: Remove, spread over remaíníng butter. Turn oven down to 120C/250F (standard) or  100C/212F (fan/convectíon). 
  8. Slow roast: Roast for a further 1.5 hours, bastíng every 30 mínutes wíth the juíces ín the pan, untíl the ínternal temperature ís 48°C/118°F ín the centre (for medíum rare, Note 4). Start checkíng the ínternal temp early.
  9. Rest: Transfer beef to plate. Cover loosely wíth foíl and rest for 20 - 30 mínutes. ínternal temperature wíll ríse to 52°C/125°F (medíum rare).
  10. Slíce beef and serve wíth Sauce! For a classíc Steakhouse experíence, serve wíth París Mash and Garlíc Sautéed Spínach.


  1. Place skíllet wíth oníon and garlíc left ín ít on the stove over hígh heat. Add wíne and beef stock, rapídly símmer for 10 mínutes untíl ít reduces by 2/3 or so, down to 1.5 cups or líquíd.
  2. Lower heat to medíum. Míx cornflour wíth 2 tbsp water. Drízzle ín half and stír. Sauce wíll thícken ín 1 mínute or so. Add more cornflour water míxture íf you want ít thícker.
  3. Straín ínto bowl, pour ínto sauce jug.

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