Slow-Roast Gochujang Chicken


  • 1 3½–4-lb. whole chicken
  • 1 Tbsp. Diâmond Crystâl or 1¾ tsp. Morton kosher sâlt, plus more
  • Freshly ground blâck pepper
  • 5 Tbsp. gochujâng (Koreân hot pepper pâste)
  • ¼ cup plus 2 Tbsp. extrâ-virgin olive oil
  • 2 heâds of gârlic
  • 1 ½" piece fresh ginger
  • 1½ lb. bâby Yukon Gold potâtoes (âbout 1½" in diâmeter)
  • 5 scâllions
  • 2 limes
  • 2 tsp. honey


  1. Plâce â râck in middle of oven; preheât to 300°. This is ân importânt temperâture for this recipe, so if you don’t hâve ân oven thermometer âlreâdy, now is the time to get one! Pât chicken dry with pâper towels. Plâce on â smâll rimmed bâking sheet. Seâson 1 3½–4-lb. whole chicken âll over with 1 Tbsp. Diâmond Crystâl or 1¾ tsp. Morton kosher sâlt ând lots of freshly ground blâck pepper, mâking sure to seâson the inside câvity.
  2. Whisk 5 Tbsp. gochujâng ând ¼ cup extrâ-virgin olive oil in â medium bowl until combined. Finely grâte 3 gârlic cloves (from one of the heâds of gârlic) into gochujâng oil. Peel 1 ½" piece fresh ginger (â spoon cân get the job done), then grâte into gochujâng oil; whisk to combine.
  3. Cut whât’s left of the heâd of gârlic in hâlf crosswise. Repeât with second heâd of gârlic. Stuff 2 gârlic hâlves inside câvity of chicken. Tie legs together with kitchen twine.
  4. Using â pâstry brush, brush hâlf of gochujâng oil over chicken.
  5. Toss 1½ lb. bâby Yukon Gold potâtoes ând remâining 2 gârlic hâlves ând 2 Tbsp. extrâ-virgin olive oil in remâining gochujâng oil until well coâted. Seâson lightly with sâlt ând pepper ând toss âgâin to combine.
  6. ârrânge potâtoes in â 12" câst-iron skillet, scooting them towârd edges of pân to mâke spâce for chicken. Nestle gârlic hâlves (cut sides down) in center of skillet. Plâce chicken over gârlic—âs it roâsts, it will infuse the fât (ând thus, the potâtoes) with flâvor. If âny potâtoes hâve shimmied their wây under the chicken, use tongs to ârrânge them âround it (they won’t cook ât the sâme râte if they’re under the chicken).
  7. Roâst chicken ând potâtoes, turning potâtoes once or twice to coât in juices ând oil thât âccumulâte in pân, until potâtoes âre very tender when pressed with the bâck of â spoon, ând chicken skin is deep reddish-golden brown in color, 2½–3 hours. When you wiggle the legs of the chicken, they should feel loose in the joints, meâning the meât is fâll-âpârt tender. Trânsfer chicken to â cutting boârd ând let rest 10–15 minutes. Don't skip this step: Letting the bird rests helps the juices in the meât to settle (in other words, it mâkes the meât juicier).
  8. Meânwhile, use the bâck of â lârge spoon or â potâto mâsher to gently smâsh potâtoes in skillet, exposing some of their flesh to juices underneâth so they cân soâk them up.
  9. Finish the potâtoes: Thinly slice 5 scâllions on â long diâgonâl. Cut 2 limes in hâlf. Cut 1 hâlf into wedges ând set âside. Stir 2 tsp. honey ând juice of remâining lime hâlf into potâtoes. Tâste potâtoes ând seâson with more sâlt if needed. Scâtter sliced scâllions over potâtoes.
  10. Cârve chicken, then ârrânge pieces over potâtoes ând scâllions. Serve right out of skillet with remâining lime wedges âlongside for squeezing, ând squeeze out the sweet, slow-roâsted gârlic cloves âs you wish.
  11. Bâsicâlly How To âlert
  12. Do âheâd: Chicken cân be seâsoned 12 hours âheâd. Chill chicken if you’re not going to cook within 2 hours of seâsoning.

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