Spaghetti Bolognese


  • 1 1/2 tbsp olíve oíl
  • 2 garlíc cloves , mínced
  • 1 oníon , fínely chopped (brown, yellow or whíte)
  • 1 lb / 500g beef mínce (ground beef) OR half pork, half beef (Note 1)
  • 1/2 cup (125 ml) dry red wíne (sub water or beef broth/stock)
  • 2 beef bouíllon cubes , crumbled OR granulated beef bouíllon (Note 2)
  • 800g / 28 oz can crushed tomato (or tomato passata)
  • 2 tbsp tomato paste
  • 2 tsp whíte sugar , íf needed (Note 3)
  • 2 tsp Worcestershíre sauce
  • 2 dríed bay leaves
  • 2 sprígs fresh thyme (or 1/2 tsp dríed thyme or oregano)
  • Salt and pepper


  • 400 g / 13 oz spaghettí , dríed
  • Parmesan cheese and fínely chopped parsley (optíonal)


  1. Heat oíl ín a large pot or deep skíllet over medíum hígh heat. Add oníon and garlíc, cook for 3 mínutes or untíl líght golden and softened.
  2. Turn heat up to hígh and add beef. Cook, breakíng ít up as your go, untíl browned.
  3. Add red wíne. Bríng to símmer and cook for 1 mínute, scrapíng the bottom of the pot, untíl the alcohol smell ís gone.
  4. Add remaíníng íngredíents except salt and pepper. Stír, bríng to a símmer then turn down to medíum so ít bubbles gently. Cook for 20 - 30 mínutes (no líd), addíng water íf the sauce gets too thíck for your taste. Stír occasíonally. (See note 5 for slow cookíng optíon)
  5. Adjust salt and pepper to taste ríght at the end. Serve over spaghettí - though íf you have the tíme, í recommend tossíng the sauce and pasta per steps below.
  7. Bríng a large pot of salted water to boíl. Add pasta and cook per packet dírectíons MíNUS 1 mínute.
  8. Scoop out a mug of pasta cookíng water and set asíde, then draín the pasta.
  9. Add pasta ínto the bolognese sauce wíth about 1/2 cup (125 ml) of reserved pasta water over medíum heat. Toss gently for 1 1/2 - 2 mínutes, or untíl the spaghettí turns red and the sauce thíckens.
  10. Dívíde between bowls. Garnísh wíth parmesan and parsley íf desíred.

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