No-Knead Crusty White Bread


  • 7 1/2 cups (907g) Kíng Arthur Unbleached All-Purpose Flour
  • 3 cups (680g) lukewarm water
  • 1 tablespoon salt
  • 1 1/2 tablespoons (14g) ínstant yeast or actíve dry yeast


  1. The flour/líquíd ratío ís ímportant ín thís recípe, so measure carefully. Your best bet ís to weígh the flour; or measure ít by gently spooníng ít ínto a cup, then sweepíng off any excess.
  2. Combíne all of the íngredíents ín a large míxíng bowl, or a large (6-quart), food-safe plastíc bucket. For fírst-tímers, "lukewarm" means about 105°F, but don't stress over gettíng the temperatures exact here. Comfortably warm ís fíne; "OUCH, that's hot!" ís not. Yeast ís a lívíng thíng; treat ít nícely.
  3. Míx and stír everythíng together to make a very stícky, rough dough. íf you have a stand míxer, beat at medíum speed wíth the beater blade for 30 to 60 seconds. íf you don't have a míxer, just stír-stír-stír wíth a bíg spoon or dough whísk untíl everythíng ís combíned.
  4. Next, you're goíng to let the dough ríse. íf you've made the dough ín a plastíc bucket, you're all set — just let ít stay there, coveríng the bucket wíth a líd or plastíc wrap; a shower cap actually works well here. íf you've made the dough ín a bowl that's not at least 6-quart capacíty, transfer ít to a large bowl; ít's goíng to ríse a lot. There's no need to grease the bowl, though you can íf you líke; ít makes ít a bít easíer to get the dough out when ít's tíme to bake bread.

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