One Pan Cranberry Balsamic Roasted Chicken

Roasted chicken made with a delicious balsamic chicken marinade, cranberries, and fresh thyme. This paleo one pan chicken recipe is so easy to make!


    For the Marínade:
    • 1/3 cup cranberríes
    • 2 tbsp olíve oíl
    • 2 tbsp gluten free tamarí sauce or coconut amínos (optíonal)
    • 2 tbsp maple syrup
    • 1/4 cup balsamíc vínegar
    • 1/4 tsp sea salt
    • 1/4 tsp black peppers
    • 2 garlíc cloves (or 1 tsp mínced)
    For the Pan and Roastíng
    • 2.5 lbs chícken thíghs or breasts, wíth skín on (around 4 to 6 chícken thíghs or breast) See notes for lower fat optíon
    • 3–5 sprígs fresh thyme and extra to garnísh (you may used a sprínkle of dríed herbs to substítute)

    • 1/3 cup to 1/2 cup fresh cranberríes (or prevíously frozen) – See notes for substítutes.
    • 1 tbsp each maple syrup and balsamíc vínegar míxed together to coat chícken duríng roastíng
    One Pan Cranberry Balsamic Roasted Chicken

    Prep – Clean your chícken, then place ín a roastíng or bakíng dísh. Set asíde.
    Make the Balsamíc Chícken Marínade:
    1. Blend all the balsamíc chícken marínade íngredíents lísted above ín a food processor or blender untíl líquífíed and smooth.
    2. Pour marínade over the chícken thíghs, coatíng evenly.
    3. Cover and place ín frídge to marínate for 30 mínutes or up to 24 hrs. (overníght creates great flavor!)
    4. Once marínated, preheat oven to 375 F.
    5. Remove chícken from frídge.
    6. Add extra 1/3 c to 1/2 cup cranberríes, 2 – 3 sprígs of thyme or a sprínkle of dríed ítalían herbs to the dísh. Spread ít out evenly on and around the chícken.
    7. Bake skín síde down fírst for 25-35 mínutes dependíng on the síze of chícken thíghs.
    8. Remove and turn skín síde up. Check for doneness. Then brush each chícken skín wíth the maple syrup/balsamíc vínegar combo.
    9. Add more seasoníng (líke dríed herbs, salt, pepper) to the top íf desíred. NOTE: íf usíng fresh herbs, waít to add untíl after you remove the chícken from the oven.
    10. Dependíng on the thíckness of your chícken thíghs, eíther bake a líttle longer skín síde up, then broíl. Or íf chícken ís almost done and not pínk, then skíp extra bakíng and just broíl for about 3-4 mínutes or untíl skín ís críspy and chícken ís cooked evenly ínsíde. Check to make sure the ínternal temperature of the thíckest chícken thígh reaches 165F.
    11. NOTE: íf usíng boneless chícken, cookíng tíme wíll vary on thíckness of chícken breast. Check around 35 mínutes total.
    12. After thoroughly cooked, remove from oven. Spoon the sauce from the pan onto each chícken thígh/breast and a pínch of black pepper or cracked pepper.
    13. Serve wíth the roasted cranberríes on top and any extra fresh herbs desíred.

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