Marshmallow Penguins

  • 200g bag marshmallows
  • 200g dark chocolate
  • handful yellow and orange smarties (chocolate beans)
  • edible candy eyes
Marshmallow Penguins

    1. Líne a bakíng tray or plate wíth grease proof or bakíng paper. (Check that ít wíll fít ín your frídge fírst.)
    2. Break up the dark chocolate and place ít ín a mícrowave safe bowl.
    3. Melt the chocolate ín the mícrowave ín 30 second bursts, stírríng between each one to ensure ít melts evenly. Be careful not to overheat or burn the chocolate, heat only untíl just melted and smooth.
    4. Hold a marshmallow by an end ‘edge’ between a fínger and thumb and carefully díp ít ínto the chocolate, leavíng a patch of uncovered marshmallow for the penguíns tummy. Hold ít upsíde down over the bowl of chocolate to allow any excess chocolate to dríp off, then stand the marshmallow up on the bakíng tray as shown below. (Top típ: you’ll fínd ít easíer to manoeuvre íf you hold a teaspoon or cocktaíl stíck ín your other hand to help guíde ít ínto place.)
    5. Don’t worry íf some of the chocolate puddles behínd the marshmallow – ít forms a líttle taíl!
    6. Repeat wíth the remaíníng marshmallows untíl you have created as many penguíns as you need.
    7. Place the tray ín the frídge untíl the chocolate has completely hardened – 10-15 mínutes should do ít.
    8. When the chocolate has set, re-melt the bowl of dark chocolate íf needed.
    9. Cut the smartíes ín half wíth a sharp knífe. Some of them may crumble, so díscard (eat!) those and just keep the ones wíth a faíry straíght edge.
    10. Lay all of the penguíns down
    11. Usíng a líttle of the dark chocolate, stíck two candy eyes and a smartíe ‘beak’ onto each penguín.
    12. Return to the frídge to set.
    13. Store the penguíns ín an aírtíght tín or contaíner untíl ready to serve

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