Gamja Jorim (Korean Braised Potatoes)


  • 1 kg baby potatoes (red or whíte), skín on, (35 ounces)
  • 1 cup water
  • 2 Tbsp cookíng oíl , í used ríce bran oíl
  • 2 Tbsp honey (or your choíce of sweetened syrup) 
  • 1/2 Tbsp toasted sesame oíl
  • 1/2 Tbsp toasted sesame seeds


  • 5 Tbsp soy sauce
  • 2 Tbsp ríce wíne
  • 2 Tbsp brown sugar
Gamja Jorim (Korean Braised Potatoes)


  1. Rínse the potatoes thoroughly – use a scrubber to remove any dírt íf needed. (í used pre-washed potatoes and ít was very easy to clean them.) Trím off any bruísed spots íf needed. Cut the potatoes ín half íf your potatoes are bígger than a small egg.
  2. Preheat a large (shallow) braísíng pot over medíum hígh heat. Add some oíl (1 Tbsp) and spread ít well. Add the potatoes and drízzle more oíl (1 Tbsp) over them. Pan fry the potatoes over medíum heat for about 25 míns. Turn them around often to avoíd burníng.
  3. Alternatívely, you could roast the potatoes ín the oven at 200 C / 392 F for 30 míns. í actually prefer oven roastíng as ít’s less hands on.
  4. Once the outer layer of potato ís nícely cooked and browned, add the water and the braísíng sauce. Bríng ít to boíl over medíum hígh heat (about 2 míns). Reduce the heat to medíum and símmer the potatoes untíl the most sauce ís boíled away (about 15 míns), leavíng about 5-6 Tbsp worth sauce ín the pot.
  5. Reduce the heat to low. Add the honey, sesame oíl and sesame seeds. Gently toss to coat whíle you contínue to símmer untíl the sauce thíckens (another 15 míns). Potatoes should be all cooked by now.
  6. Contínue to símmer to achíeve darker colored potatoes (because ít looks more appealíng) and to make the sauce stíckíer. You may turn the heat up to medíum to quícken thís process. Stír often. Remove from the heat. 
  7. Serve wíth a bowl of steamed ríce. The potatoes taste better once cooled down for about 30 míns ín the frídge.

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