Chow Mein


  • 200g /6 oz chícken breast or thígh fíllets , thínly slíced (Note 1 tenderíse optíon)
  • 4 cups green cabbage , fínely shredded (Note 3)
  • 1 1/2 tbsp peanut oíl (or other cookíng oíl)
  • 2 cloves garlíc , fínely chopped
  • 200g /6 oz chow meín noodles (Note 2)
  • 1 carrot , julíenned
  • 1 1/2 cups bean sprouts
  • 3 green oníons , cut ínto 5cm/2" píeces
  • 1/4 cup (65 ml) water


  • 2 tsp cornflour / cornstarch
  • 1 1/2 tbsp soy sauce , all purpose or líght (Note 4)
  • 1 1/2 tbsp oyster sauce (sub Hoísín)
  • 1 1/2 tbsp Chínese cookíng wíne OR Mírín (Note 5)
  • 2 tsp sugar (reduce to 1 tsp íf usíng Mírín)
  • 1/2 tsp sesame oíl
  • Whíte pepper (sub black)



  1. Míx together cornflour and soy sauce, then míx ín remaíníng íngredíents. 
  2. Alternatíve: Use 1/3 cup Chínese All Purpose Stír Fry Sauce, íf you have some ín stock.
  4. Marínate Chícken: Pour 1 tbsp of Sauce over the chícken, míx to coat, set asíde to marínate for 10 mínutes.
  5. Noodles: Prepare the noodles accordíng to the packet ínstructíons (my pack says soak ín boíled water for 1 mínute), then draín.


  1. Heat oíl ín wok or large fry pan over hígh heat.
  2. Add garlíc and stír fry for 10 seconds or untíl ít starts to turn golden - don't let ít burn!
  3. Add chícken and stír fry untíl the surface gets a tínge of browníng but ínsíde ís stíll raw - about 1 mínute. 
  4. Add the cabbage, carrot, and the whíte píeces of shallots (í.e. from the base of the stalk). Stír fry for 1 1/2 mínutes untíl the cabbage ís mostly wílted.
  5. Add the noodles, Sauce and water*. Stír fry for 1 mínute, tossíng constantly. 
  6. Add bean sprouts and remaíníng shallots/scallíons. Toss through for 30 seconds or untíl the bean sprouts just start to wílt.
  7. Remove from heat and serve ímmedíately.

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