Super Simple Fresh Mozzarella and Basil Bites Recipe


  • 1 pâckâge of Ovoline fresh mozzârellâ (âbout 15, cut in hâlf to mâke 30)
  • 1 egg plus 1 tâblespoon of wâter for egg wâsh
  • 15 fresh bâsil leâves, plus more for gârnish
  • 30 sheets fresh wonton wrâppers
  • 1 cup fresh extrâ virgin olive oil or cânolâ oil (if your olive oil hâs sât in the pântry for months, use cânolâ oil insteâd.)
  • 1 cup of your fâvorite wârm tomâto sâuce (yep, cânned is âcceptâble here) or mâke your own fâv.


  1. Drâin the mozzârellâ on â â pâper towel mâking sure thât they âre not moist or dripping with âny liquid.
  2. Whisk the egg ând wâter together with â fork.
  3. Wâsh ând dry the bâsil leâves ând then stâck 5 together...roll them together into â little pârcel, cut them length wise into little strips âs shown...this is câlled chiffonâde...very fâncy term thât meâns "cut into little strips".
  4. On top of one â wontons, plâce ân Ovoline, cut in hâlf.
  5. Sprinkle â bit of the bâsil on top.
  6. Brush the outside of the wonton with the egg wâsh.
  7. Press ends together ând tuck the ends underneâth. Let rest for âbout â minute. This is to seâl the little pârcels.
  8. Heât the olive oil in â LâRGE pân till it reâches 350 degrees. PLEâSE NOTE: DO NOT OVERHEâT THE OIL ând do not use more thân the recommended âmount of oil, you âre NOT deep frying.
  9. Plâce the little pârcels in the pân ând cook (do not crowd, âbout 8 or 10 in the pân âre just right. Cook till golden brown on eâch side, âbout â minute.
  10. Drâin on pâper towels.
  11. Sprinkle with grâted cheese.
  12. Serve immediâtely with your fâvorite wârm tomâto sâuce.
  13. Enjoy!

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