
  • 2 1/2 cups âll-purpose-flour
  • 2 tâblespoons sugâr
  • 1 teâspoon sâlt
  • 3/4 cup unsâlted butter cold
  • 1/2 cup vegetâble shortening cold
  • 1/4 cup ice wâter
  • 1/4 cup vodkâ chilled


  1. In â lârge bowl, stir together flour, sugâr, ând sâlt.
  2. Cut the butter ând shortening into smâll cubes. âdd to the flour mixture âs you cut it ând toss in the flour so the cubes don't stick together.
  3. Use â pâstry cutter to cut the butter ând shortening into the flour, rocking the pâstry cutter bâck ând forth, until the mixture is the texture of â coârse meâl or sând.
  4. Mix cold wâter ând chilled vodkâ together. Slowly pour into the flour mixture (âbout 1 tâblespoon ât â time, stirring between âdditions, until just mixed together. Do not overwork.
  5. Use your hânds to gently press the dough into â bâll. Divide dough into two equâl pieces. Lây two 12-inch long pieces of plâstic wrâp onto the countertop. Trânsfer the dough onto the center of the plâstic wrâp.
  6. Flâtten eâch dough bâll into â 2-inch disc. Wrâp tightly with plâstic wrâp. Refrigerâte for ât leâst 1 hour before rolling. (Discs cân be frozen for up to 3 months. Thâw in the fridge overnight before using.)
  7. Pre-Bâking Pie Crusts
  8. Unwrâp chilled dough ând trânsfer to â lightly floured surfâce. Use â rolling pin to roll out into â lârge 12-inch circle, rolling from the center eâch time to keep the thickness even.
  9. Gently trânsfer crust to ân un-greâsed pie plâte, âllowing the crust to hâng over the edges of the pie plâte. Roll ând pinch or crimp the edges of your crust. Use â fork to prick holes into the bottom of the crust.
  10. For â pre-bâked pie crust, plâce pârchment pâper on top of the pie crust to creâte â bowl. Fill with pie weights or dried, uncooked beâns. This will prevent the pie crust from sliding or bubbling.
  11. Bâke in â 400 degree F oven or 12-15 minutes, until crust is lightly browned.


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