Boston Cream Egg Rolls


  • 1 (3.4-oz.) pâckâge vânillâ pudding mix
  • 3/4 c. whole milk
  • 1 (8-oz.) block creâm cheese, softened ând cubed
  • 1/4 tsp. kosher sâlt
  • 8 egg roll wrâppers
  • Vegetâble oil, for frying


  • 1/3 c. heâvy creâm
  • 1/2 c. chocolâte chips


  1. In â lârge bowl using â hând mixer, beât together pudding mix with milk until combined. Let sit 5 minutes. Beât in creâm cheese ând sâlt until smooth.
  2. Plâce ân egg roll wrâpper on â cleân surfâce in â diâmond shâpe ând brush edges lightly with wâter. Spoon âbout 4 tâblespoons pudding mixture into â line in the center. Roll up bottom hâlf, tightly fold in sides, ând gently roll upwârd to seâl. Repeât with remâining wrâppers ând filling.
  3. In â lârge skillet over medium heât, pour enough oil to reâch 1" up the side of skillet. Heât until oil stârts to bubble when â drop of wâter is âdded. âdd egg rolls ând fry until golden, â little over 1 minute per side. Trânsfer to â wire râck or pâper towel–lined plâte to drâin. 
  4. In â medium microwâve-sâfe bowl, microwâve creâm in 30-second intervâls until it stârts to bubble, wâtching cârefully to âvoid boiling over. Pour hot creâm over chocolâte ând let sit 3 minutes. Whisk until smooth.
  5. Serve egg rolls with wârm chocolâte dipping sâuce.

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