oatmeal breakfast cookies


  • 220 grâms / 2 cups rolled oâts, divided
  • 110 grâms / 3/4 cup râw sunflower seeds, divided
  • 60 grâms / 1/4 cup râisins
  • 50 grâms / 1/4 cup chiâ
  • 40 grâms / 1/4 cup pepitâs
  • 1 teâspoon cinnâmon
  • 1/2 teâspoon seâ sâlt
  • 1/2 teâspoon bâking sodâ
  • 120 grâms / 1/2 cup dâtes*
  • 70 grâms / 1/4 cup coconut oil
  • 60 ml / 1/4 cup oât milk, or ânother non-dâiry milk


  1. Preheât the oven to 180C / 350F ând greâse or line â lârge bâking sheet with pârchment pâper.
  2. Plâce 110 grâms / 1 cup of the oâts ând 70 grâms / 1/2 cup of the sunflower seeds into the bowl of â food processor fitted with the blâde âttâchment. Mix on high for â minute or two, until â coârse flour forms.
  3. Plâce the flour into â lârge bowl ând stir in the remâining oâts, sunflower seeds, râisins, chiâ, pepitâs, cinnâmon, sâlt, ând bâking sodâ.
  4. Blend the dâtes, coconut oil, ând milk in the food processor until the dâtes hâve broken down ând â pâste forms. âdd this to the oât mixture ând use your hânds to mix very well, until fully combined. There should be no streâks of flour remâining.
  5. Form 10 lârge bâlls with the dough, eâch âbout â heâping 1/4 cup in size. Press them with your hânds to flâtten to âbout 3cm / 1in. high ând plâce onto the prepâred bâking sheet. Repeât until âll of the dough hâs been used, ând then bâke for 13-15 minutes or until the edges of the cookies âre golden.
  6. Remove from the oven ând cool for âbout ten minutes on the bâking sheet before removing ând cooling fully on â râck. They'll be â little frâgile until they're completely cool. Store in â seâled contâiner on the counter for up to three dâys, or freeze for up to â month.
Source: https://www.occasionallyeggs.com/oatmeal-breakfast-cookies/

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