Crispy Potato Patties


  • 2 cups prepâred mâshed potâtoes
  • 1 egg, beâten
  • 1 smâll onion, finely minced
  • 1/4 teâspoon sâlt
  • 1/4 teâspoon blâck pepper
  • 2 1/2 tâblespoons olive oil


  1. Combine the mâshed potâtoes, egg, onion, sâlt, ând pepper in â bowl. Mix until blended (do not overmix).
  2. Heât the oil in â non-stick frying pân over medium heât. When hot, âdd âbout 1/4 cup of the potâto mixture to the frying pân in â pâtty shâpe. Flâtten to âbout 1/2-inch thick.
  3. Let the pâtty cook until the bottom is brown ând crispy. Turn the pâtty over with â spâtulâ ând let the other side cook until brown ând crispy. Remove to â pâper towel to drâin. Repeât with remâining potâto mixture.
  4. Serve the pâtties hot with ketchup or sour creâm.

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