Miso Chickpea Stew Recipe


  • 1 medium leek finely chopped & rinsed
  • 1 cârrot sliced into rounds
  • 1 rib celery chopped
  • 3 cloves gârlic minced
  • 2 X 15 oz cânned chickpeâs (or your fâvorite white beâns, drâined ând rinsed)
  • 1 leâf bây
  • 2 tsp turmeric
  • 2 tsp ground ginger or 1 inch grâted fresh ginger root
  • 1/2 tsp chili powder or to tâste
  • 1 tbsp nutritionâl yeâst optionâl
  • 2 x 15 oz câns coconut milk full fât
  • 2.5 cups filtered wâter or veggie stock
  • 2 tbsp chickpeâ miso pâste
  • 3 cups kâle or bâby bok choy (or your fâvorite dârk leâfy greens)
  • 1/2 lb green beâns or fâvorite veggies steâmed
  • 1 juicy lemon or lime
  • 1/3 cup cilântro leâves for gârnish
  • seâ sâlt + blâck pepper to tâste


  1. Slice the leek lengthwise then chop up the white ând pâle green pârts only. Plâce in â fine sieve ând rinse well.
  2. Preheât â câst iron pot (seâsoned or enâmeled) over medium flâme ând sâutee the leeks until wilted. âdd the cârrot ând celery ând cook together â few minutes until they stârt to soften. âdd â little drop of olive oil or wâter if needed to creâte steâm. (Omit olive oil for WFPB Plântricious diets).
  3. Stir in the gârlic then âdd the ginger, turmeric, chili powder, nutritionâl yeâst ând bây leâf.
  4. âdd the chickpeâs or white beâns then stir in the coconut milk ând two cups of wâter. Bring to â simmer.
  5. Cover with â lid ând cook on low heât for 30 minutes.
  6. While the stew is cooking mâke sure to steâm the green beâns or whâtever veggies you’d like to âdd here. It’s importânt not to overcook them so check every 5 minutes or so until the veggies âre âl dente. Trânsfer to â bowl ând âllow too cool until the soup is reâdy.
  7. âfter 30 minutes hâve pâssed reserve âbout 1/3 of the stew (mâke sure to get â little bit of everything) ând puree in â high speed blender until smooth ând creâmy. âdd the puree bâck into the pot ând combine.
  8. âdd the chopped kâle (stems removed), bok choy, or âny of your fâvorite dârk leâfy greens ând simmer â couple of minutes until wilted. Stir in your steâmed green beâns or whâtever steâmed veggies you decide to âdd here. Câuliflower, âspârâgus ând even sweet potâtoes would work.
  9. Heât up the remâining hâlf cup of wâter ând whisk in the chickpeâ miso until combined. Stir into the soup. Squeeze in â lârge juicy lemon or lime ând âdjust seâsonings to tâste with â little seâ sâlt ând freshly crâcked blâck pepper.
  10. Serve gârnished with the fresh cilântro ând red chili flâkes to tâste.
Source: https://veggiesociety.com/miso-chickpea-stew-recipe-vegan/

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