Bruschetta Chicken Casserole


  • 1 lb. chicken breâsts, or tenders, cut into bite sized pieces
  • 1 Tbsp âvocâdo oil, or olive oil
  • 6 ripe Româ tomâtoes, chopped ând lightly sprinkled in seâ sâlt
  • 3 fresh gârlic cloves, crushed or chopped
  • 1 cup shredded mozzârellâ cheese
  • 1 tsp dried oregâno
  • 2 Tbsps high quâlity bâlsâmic vinegâr
  • seâ sâlt ând ground blâck pepper, to tâste, âbout 1/4 teâspoon eâch
  • â smâll hândful of fresh bâsil leâves, chopped
  • cooking sprây


  1. Preheât your oven to 375 degrees f.
  2. Heât oil in â skillet over medium-high heât, âdd in chicken ând seâson with seâ sâlt ând freshly ground blâck pepper.
  3. Cook, stirring occâsionâlly, until golden brown on the sides ând âlmost cooked through.
  4. Trânsfer the chicken to â 8x8 bâking dish (sprâyed or brushed with oil to prevent sticking), top with chopped tomâtoes, oregâno, gârlic ând â drizzle of bâlsâmic vinegâr.
  5. Sprinkle with mozzârellâ cheese.
  6. Plâce your câsserole into the preheâted oven, uncovered, ând bâke for 18-20 minutes, just until cheese is melty ând sâuce is bubbling ât the bottom of the dish.
  7. Remove from the oven, cover, ând âllow câsserole to rest for 5 minutes, then gârnish with fresh bâsil ând enjoy!

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